Winter is Back – with a Vengeance

Six plus inches of wet, heavy snow that started yesterday as rain, then to sleet, and now . . . . .well.  Howling winds.  The lights are flickering from time to time. Not exactly my expectation for the week after Easter, what with spring bulbs were coming up nicely and everything was starting to sprout.  I’d bought some very nice daffodils bulbs, and they were at that expectant, pre-blossom stage.  I ran out yesterday and covered them up before the wintery mix arrived, after running to the grocery store, as was everyone in the region, to buy some things to last us for a few days.  And cancelled Her Ladyship’s appointment because there was no way we were going out.  I didn’t even win the big lottery jackpot last night, which would have gone a long way toward mitigating the blustery, beastly weather.  

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