“Keep Your Thoughts to Yourself”

Thus said my horoscope the other day.  Her Ladyship read it out boldly to me, and we had a good laugh, because, in all honestly, that’s not something I do well.  Often over the years, I’d be sitting in a meeting where that little voice in my head would say, “keep quiet”.  Sometimes I could, but sometimes, not so much. I come from a long line of “Did I say that out loud?” Irish folks.  Discretion and restraint aren’t really our strongest attributes.  When Abraham Lincoln said, “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.”, he may well have had a number of my ancestors in mind.  

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Expanding Her Inheritance

How much really is too much?  Can you have enough wealth?  Most of us, and our immediate circle of friends, are what we used to call “comfortable”.  Our immediate needs are met – we don’t face “food insecurity” or being homeless, at least I don’t think we do.  As many of my readers know, I’m still chasing that illusive lottery payoff.  My big check from Publishers Clearing House has not arrived, despite them telling me it’s on the way.  They even have my address for delivery.  

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Oh, My Aching Back – More on Aging

Encountered a bit of bother this week.  I’d been waiting anxiously until the weather broke so that I could start to tend the outdoor garden beds.  I may have worked a bit too long – as all gardeners know, much of what we do is bending over to clear away the dead stuff, and thus, my back is sore.  It’s been a festival of ibuprofen around here, and my whole gardening operation has come been shut down.  The weather has turned colder again to accommodate my incapacitation. But Her Ladyship has been resistant to the idea of hiring an assistant or two to manage the estate.  I know – penny pinching in the worst sense.

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Lottery Objectives At Odds . . . . . .

As I have written several times in the past, I’m a faithful and regular customer of the lottery.  With every ticket purchased, I’m poised on the balcony of wealth.  Sometimes it’s unimaginable wealth, sometimes just a few million. It’s always with a degree of torment to hear about someone in Ohio or Wisconsin, or most recently in Michigan, that bought the winning ticket, be it a ticket for Powerball or Mega-Millions, or just a scratch ticket.  They’re quoted on the news, saying “I don’t usually buy tickets.  I was just walking by the 7Eleven, and it was a spontaneous thing.”   Are you kidding me? They shouldn’t tell me that, at least out loud.  There was the story in the news years back of the lady that bought a lottery ticket – yes, a single ticket, mind you, in Florida while on vacation.  It won, of course, and the reporter mentioned the irony of – get this – her driving her Rolls Royce back to Florida to collect her winnings. Did she need that?  I’m thinking . . . . Then there are the repeat winners.  The people that had a million-dollar scratch ticket two years ago and, how delightful, just got another one.  Bought at the same store somewhere out in rural Oklahoma or Arkansas, although now they live in Palm Springs.  Now that’s just God laughing at me.

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